Spring worksheets: Multiple choice and memory game
Spring worksheets
Finally it’s spring! Finally it’s getting warmer again. But maybe you live in a rainy part of the world (like me) …. A game of memory ( or match…
Spring worksheets
Finally it’s spring! Finally it’s getting warmer again. But maybe you live in a rainy part of the world (like me) …. A game of memory ( or match…
Ask your student: ‘Was für ein Tier ist das?’ – What kind of animal ist this?
Student answer: ‘ Das ist ein/e……’ or ‘ Das ist der/die/das……..’
das Meerschweinchen (guinea pig), der…
Die Zeit/ the time
Practice telling the time in German! Move the hands and let your students read the time. Say the hour and then the minutes. Say the word ‘Uhr’ (time) between…
Emotions/ Gefühle
The second page of this file includes a list of German adjectives that can be cut out and placed on the correct face/ emotion.
Mir geht es gut, schlecht. -…
A new worksheet! Hurray! 🙂
This worksheet is all about opposites (Gegenteile).
Match the numbers (words) with the correct pictures. Write the correct numbers into the circles. Done!
schön-hässlich (beautiful – ugly)
teuer- billig…
Worksheet: Das Verb ‘sein. The verb ‘to be’.
This is a little exercise to practice the verb ‘sein’ in German. Click here for a pdf version.
Anna introduces herself and her family.…
Especially for kids it is important to know the names of animals in a foreign language. Why? Because kids love animals!
This little worksheet helps to memorize the names of animals…
Fun German Halloween Worksheet!
Halloween is coming up and everybody is getting excited!
A little worksheet for Halloween. Matching words to pictures. Die Hexe (the witch), das Geisterschloss (the ghost castle), das…
Worksheet: Ein Gedicht (A poem)
This little worksheet helps to memorize some important nouns.
In my lessons, the children enjoyed guessing/ looking for the correct words. Sometimes we also have a little…
I promise you, this is going to be the last calendar (for now 🙂 ) My younger students love it! Calendars are brilliant in the beginning of a lesson. This…
Our book was made with young children in mind and we believe its a great way to introduce them to German Language.