Spring time

Spring worksheets: Multiple choice and memory game

Spring worksheets

Finally it’s spring! Finally it’s getting warmer again. But maybe you live in a rainy part of the world (like me) …. A game of memory ( or match match as it is sometimes called) is a fun option for rainy spring days but, of course, these kind of games and exercises can also be enjoyed on your terrace or balcony in the warm sun.

Multiple choice: Frühling/ spring

This little exercise is going to train your students reading and vocabulary skills. Of course, it is all about spring. Maybe the sun flower does not really fit in but I looked it up and it says that sunflowers typically appear from May until October :).

Welches Wort ist richtig? Which word is correct?

der Osterhase  (easter bunny), die Sonnenblume (sun flower), die Ente (duck), das Kücken (chick), die Raupe (caterpillar), die Tulpe (the tulip), die Gans (goose),  das Osterei (easter egg).

Spring worksheetsClick here for a pdf version.

Memory Game: Frühling/ Spring

I really do love Match Match/ Memory Games. They remind me of my childhood! This printout offers you two options. You can either use the pictures only (then it is more of a verbal lesson) or you can use the written words (on the third page) and the pictures (then it is also a reading exercise).

Don’t forget to say the words in German as well. Speaking as much German as possible is so important! Maybe you or your student could create a sentence with the newly learned nouns. For example: Der Osterhase dekoriert Ostereier. (The easter bunny decorates easter eggs).

der Osterhase  (easter bunny), die Sonnenblume (sun flower), die Ente (duck), das Kücken (chick), die Raupe (caterpillar), die Tulpe (the tulip), die Gans (goose),  das Osterei (easter egg), der Marienkäfer (ladybird), das Schaaf (sheep). der Vogel (bird), die Schnecke (snail), das Huhn (chicken), der Schmetterling (butterfly).

spring worksheetsClick here for a pdf version. (3 pages in one file.)



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