Halloween is in the air! Fun games for classrooms!

I love Halloween! This is why I have created the following reading game and video:


Halloween: Wer hat….?
Halloween: Who has……? Reading Game

Ich habe die erste Karte. – I have the first card.
Wer hat………. – Who has….?
Ich habe….. – I have…….
eine/zwei Hexe (a witch), ein/blaues Monster (a monster),
das weiße Skelett (the white skeleton), drei Geister (three ghost),
die Geisterbahn (the ghost train), die bunten Blätter (the colourful leaves),
die Pilze (the mushrooms), den Igel (the hedgehog), die Spinne (the spider).

Click here for a pdf version.

This video could be a bit too scary for very young children. I recommend it for the age group 6-12 years.

In Germany Halloween has become more and more popular over the last few years. However,  in Ireland and in the UK it is simply incredible! People decorate their houses, carve pumpkins, go on monster hunts, there are  ghost trains and haunted mazes……. And all of these activities are for the whole family.

Bring Halloween into your classroom

Halloween themed games and activities help your students to learn new words. It would be also a great idea to allow your students to come dressed up to their language lesson.

Here are two games you could play with your students in German lessons:

Monster Slime

This is a fun sensory game!

What do you need? A tissue box and the following ingredients: Cold Pasta (Monster hair), hand lotion (monster slime), a couple of rubber spiders…….

Your student put their hand in the box and feel the items. It is important that they don’t see what is in the box. You could even use several boxes and give them names such as ‘Die Horrorbox” (the box of horror). Your students must describe how the object feels. That means that they have to use different adjectives. At the end of the lesson, the children are allowed to take the objects out of the box.

Describing costumes

This is a wonderful little exercise for your German lesson! Print out a couple of pictures of children in Halloween costumes. Your students need to describe what they see. Can they guess what the children are dressed up as?




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